Martin Wehmann

U.S.A. (1968)
Much like the way Steve Jobs got his start, Martin Wehmann planted the seed for his first business in his parents’ garage in suburban Los Angeles. Silver Stream Production & Design, thriving today, is a fabricator of retail environments for retail giants including Neiman Marcus, Patagonia and even Apple. Since the beginning, Wehmann has collaborated with design partner Tom Sandonato on a variety of projects, the latest of which is Kithaus.

Taught at a young age by a German-trained master carpenter, who just happened to be his father, Wehmann had little choice but to execute projects with great precision while learning his trade. His skill and breadth of vision have helped to earn Kithaus status as a groundbreaking alternative in the world of prefab. “Kithaus is the most exciting venture I have been a part of to date,” said Wehmann. “I can almost see the history of my experiences in the design and manufacturing industry in each unit we produce.” Viewed as a modular alternative-living solution, Kithaus applies different rules to prefab with its patented frame and clamping system and gentle impact on the environment.

Driven by his passion for modern design, his desire to build something to be proud of and a fervent loyalty to his team, Wehmann continues to reinvest his company’s resources into his ideas and infrastructure. “I have been fortunate to be able to develop and maintain a core business that has enabled me to expand into other realms of design.”